APOSTLE LOVE JUDAH, WISDOM NUGGETS, QUOTES / April 6, 2024 / by Apostle Love Judah

(Quote) Anybody who is not connected and dedicated in church will…

ANYBODY who is not CONNECTED and DEDICATED in CHURCH will miss HEAVEN. – LOVE JUDAH – God’s Teaching Priest and Prophet.  

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/ April 5, 2024 / by Apostle Love Judah

(Quote) Many are in the church but not in

Many are in the church but not in the FAITH. – 1 Timothy 4:1 – – LOVE JUDAH – God’s Teaching Priest and Prophet

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/ April 5, 2024 / by Apostle Love Judah

(Quote) You Don’t need to be perfect before people will follow you.

You Don’t need to be perfect before people will follow you, you need to be passionate about what you are doing. – LOVE JUDAH (God’s Teaching Priest and Prophet) –  

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