APOSTLE LOVE JUDAH, WISDOM NUGGETS, QUOTES / April 6, 2024 / by Apostle Love Judah

(Quote) Anybody who is not connected and dedicated in church will…

ANYBODY who is not CONNECTED and DEDICATED in CHURCH will miss HEAVEN. – LOVE JUDAH – God’s Teaching Priest and Prophet.  

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/ April 5, 2024 / by Apostle Love Judah

(Quote) Many are in the church but not in

Many are in the church but not in the FAITH. – 1 Timothy 4:1 – – LOVE JUDAH – God’s Teaching Priest and Prophet

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/ April 5, 2024 / by Apostle Love Judah

(Quote) Anyone who has problem with Tithing is

Anyone who has problem with Tithing is worse than Satan. – LOVE JUDAH – God’s Teaching Priest and Prophet  

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