Coming in contact with Truth Assembly International churches and Apostle Love Judah was an accident turned miracle for me.

Accident because it was not as planned and a miracle because my life has become better in every way of which am glad.

For 12 years, my life has gone through a rollercoaster ride of transformatory phases that I never believed was possible and I owe it to God and my Apostle Love Judah.

In him:

I found a man who believed in me even in my down moments.

I found a man who encouraged me to try even the hardest things.

I found a man whose love and compassion was out of the ordinary.

I found a man whose training though thorough and tough was laced with sincere love.

I found a man who wanted everyone under him to do better and achieve greater feats than he ever has.

I met a man whose walk with God is so real you can almost touch it.


In Truth Assembly International churches:

 I found a family outside my family.

I received my countless miracles after coming in contact with the covenants of my father.

I found myself and began to live out my life’s purpose, am still a work in progress but I can say am better than what I used to be because I learnt to unlearn and relearn, my best is yet to come.

God through apostle Love Judah made me who I have become.


As Truth Assembly International churches turns 20 this year, 

I celebrate God’s grace, faithfulness, strength, consistency, the crisis that made us stronger, our unity of purpose, the vision entrusted to us, the blessings, the covenants, the leadership, the membership and the anointing on apostle Love Judah.


Am glad am part of this mandate God gave to his servant for 20years and if God has brought us far, he will take us farther.

We will perfect the vision God gave to us, it would be glorious, amazing, it will shake the world, am confident that what God showed his servant will come to pass.


Happy birthday celebration Truth Assembly International churches.